I had to post this. I was a nerd and recorded this with my camera sideways.. but you can still see it (especially when you tilt your head! ha ha) . People use to NEVER believe me when i said my cat Hope watched tv all the time. when we aren't home we always leave the tv on so my cats wont sit in a quiet house. i'm funny because i don't like to leave it on certain channels so since i consider them my babies, i leave it on nickelodeon all the time. Hope has took a special liking to Dora the Explorer and Diego. maybe she was living with some MEXICANS before i rescued her?? who knows.. she just loves these shows. she will sit like this in front of the tv for a complete hour! i think that it is funny a cat watches a kids spanish learning show.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Billy Ray Cyrus is a TOTAL wash up with "Achey Breaky Heart", but his daughter broke a lot of parents achey breaky pockets this halloween! 3 Hannah Montanas rocked out last night. The crazy thing is i heard 4 more girls JUST today say they are gonna be her too. By far she is the new latest and greatest craze! The variety of costumes were good. One boy had on a hippie out fit and it was soooo funny! Katie (my niece) was Hannah Montana..(of course) and Drew (nephew) was a whoopie cushion. My sister wouldn't pay the ridiculous price for the banana suit he wanted so that was his next choice. We let this little old man from across the street judge the costumes, and of course he picked the little girl dressed up like an old woman.. (of course.. wonder why?? lol) for 2nd place and Drew for 1st (only because he knew him i think). They ate pizza then we filled them up on sugar between the punch, cookies, cupcakes, and loads of candy. OH YEAH we had games, girls screaming, a bonfire, girls screaming, painted some ghost, and did i mention.. lots of girls screaming?! I'm not a 100% positive, but i think all of Anderson county heard them! They had fun and that was all that was important.

Our church has recently decided to go on a missions trip to Jamaica in February. The preacher called me the other night and wanted to personally ask me go and to be praying about it, he also told philip to be thinking and praying about it because he wants him to preach over there. My preacher has made his mind up that the Lord is gonna call him into the ministry because of his love and passion for extensive study of the word. Philip don't think he wants to go, but who knows, maybe he will change his mind. I on the other hand, probably will go . Mission trips are the most awesome trips ever! Most people know that on my trip to Costa Rica i actually lead my first person to christ all by myself.. well, with the help of a translator (he is the white man in the top photo..name:Fransico ). It is extremely hard to try to witness to someone that speaks a whole different language. I have always been the first one to make smart ellic comments about the population of Mexicans here that cant speak our language, but when i was there i had a total attitude change! i realized repeating myself 10 times and talking slow using emphasis on punctuation makes them understand me.. NONE! why do people do that? its the worst feeling knowing the whole world surrounds you, they dont have a clue what your saying, you have no clue what they are saying, and reading things are pointless. It is the most hopeless and helpless feeling on the whole earth. i was totally stressed oneday trying to witness (without a translator) by handing out tracks printed in spanish and people would stop me wanting to know more..but communications are at standstill. I just wanted to cry because it was so hard with the language barrier until i noticed this one old man. He walked around with his eyes open but he saw nothing, he had ears but they heard nothing: his arm & hand was extended out with his palm up and he used his other hand to guide him by his stick that replaced his eyes and ears. At that very moment i felt so guilty for feeling sorry for myself! i couldnt speak the language but i was still functional. This man wore a smile on his face and he walked around not even knowing the world around him! i wanted to witness to him but had no humanly way possible! i wanted to take hold of his fragile hand that was extended and just show him a simple expression of love. i couldn't even offer him a smile back that he offered everyone else. i pray blessings on his life to be in those conditions and still be thankful for life in general. well, sorry i got story book mode, just expressing how wonderful mission trips are and they will impact a person forever. i will pray to see if it is God's will for me to be on the team going to Jamaica.. keep me in your prayers also!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Just say "no" to bobbing for apples!

Halloween is around the conner people! i don't celebrate it, i just enjoy the costumes(the cute ones not the scary or nasty ones), kids, and CANDY! My sister is having a little fun get together at her house for my niece and nephew's friends. My mama took the task of cupcakes, so tonight we got together and had some fun icing them. Sometimes i wish i could be simple when it comes to these crafty things.. but i'm not. Most people just slap on some orange frosting and are like feeling super great because they are pumpkin like.. ummm, not me. i had the neon green with Frankenstein faces, orange pumpkin faces, purple with bats and boo, and chocolate with white bats. The craziest part of this is how these little kids are gonna not pay it any attention, just to scarf it down their throat and maybe wear the icing in random places..faces, hands, arms, DEFINETLY clothes. kids don't know napkins exist..gash, thats what pants are for! Anyhow, i used that time to spend with my mama. I am a married 23 year old woman.. but i will always be my mama's little girl. I feel sorry for any other person that doesn't have an awesome godly parent/parents like mine. -----> (ok, i was about to bird walk! its hard for someone that talks and thinks as fast as me to be on here typing. My hands do not work near as fast as my brain and mouth!! haha.) Back to the Halloween party thing---> i realized last week at a Halloween/ birthday party how down right disgusting bobbing for apples are. Mind you, this is the age of kids that when you ask them have they brushed their teeth and they hesitate and stare upwards like they are thinking.. I ALWAYS KNOW THAT MEANS NO even though they say "yes" or even better..(this one is great), "uhh, I think so" ..and.. they think that swimming in a pool counts as a bath.. yeah ok, that age. The first kid goes up. sinks his nasty little face in the water about 10 times and comes up the last time with a mouthful of water that he SPITS back into the bucket!! by the tenth kid.. they all did the exact same thing and i could feel my stomach turning 500 flips because it was grossing me out. I sit there and wonder, how do these little dirty kids ever get sick..? they have to have some serious immunity built up! One day when i have kids, i'm gonna teach them they can only bob for apples if they are FIRST in line. Parents, this is wayy gross! who came up with that nasty game??!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
wonderful wednesday!
I cant stop thinking about the beautiful rainbow i saw yesterday. i had a very "out of the norm" tuesday. i had a lot i needed to deal with because i felt like the Lord was telling me to take care of, but at the end of the day, it had stopped raining and i can NOT even explain the feelings of comfort when i looked in the sky. The day had been rainy and nasty, but its amazing what comes after the rain.. a rainbow. i seen how perfect it was in all its glory. it reached to both ends of the ground. im not saying that the rainbow was there just for me, but i'm sure many people had things going on in their life, and that rainbow just touched me. I never would think that a rainbow would be just what i needed to end a rough day. God knows what we need and when we need it. I am very thankful that i have a relationship with him and that he cares enough for me send me a rainbow! i have a book that makes a lot of sense that i recommend for anyone to read. Its call "My Beautiful Broken Shell". Its a short story in a hard back book, but it is very comforting about what a person goes through in life. i ran across an old friend and it she showed it to me. God sent me that friend too. She had recieved it because she had lost her father. i couldnt help but to cry when reading it because that book suits every person on earth. i am gonna have to pick me up a copy because i could read it a thousand times over and over! Go get a copy and read it!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
talkin' out loud
Well this morning has already been a bit crazy for me. My alarm goes off at 8:45 because i usually go in at 10, but this morning when i got up at 9 it hit me for some crazy reason i had a 9 o'clock appointment. i couldn't figure out why i was thinking this but in the aspect of it being 8:47 by this time all i could think was----> HURRY UP GIRL! i brushed my teeth and washed my face soo super fast, threw on some clothes, covered up my wild nasty hair with a cap, grabbed my makeup bag and booked it out the door. i live almost 10 minutes from where i work, but when i got to work it was like 9:07. i didn't see a car in the parking lot so i was like, " YES!! i was just having one of those wonderful Felicia moments!". i went in and checked my book and i was in the clear! my 9 a.m. is for thursday not tuesday.. lol. i was so relieved. i look like a hot mess so decided to go home and actually "get" ready for work! sometimes i hope there is more airheads out there that go through some of these crazy moments too.
i am going through a Financial Peace class at my church that is flat out awesome! (Dave Ramsey is the little guy who came up with it) Soo im basically having to put myself on a budget. i think i know why people dont budget.. i think its because when a person sits down and really looks at EVERYTHING they spend money on, it is kinda scary. i know last night at class a bunch of sheets where handed out, and i was thinking.. whoa, how am i not any more broke than i am? Philip on the other hand is getting all excited and looking forward to doing the sheets. i have to admit, i take him for granted a lot of times. i am very lucky to have a husband that has goals and uses his money wisely and not just out blowing it on "big boy toys". well maybe i can get it all figured out..?!?!
i am going through a Financial Peace class at my church that is flat out awesome! (Dave Ramsey is the little guy who came up with it) Soo im basically having to put myself on a budget. i think i know why people dont budget.. i think its because when a person sits down and really looks at EVERYTHING they spend money on, it is kinda scary. i know last night at class a bunch of sheets where handed out, and i was thinking.. whoa, how am i not any more broke than i am? Philip on the other hand is getting all excited and looking forward to doing the sheets. i have to admit, i take him for granted a lot of times. i am very lucky to have a husband that has goals and uses his money wisely and not just out blowing it on "big boy toys". well maybe i can get it all figured out..?!?!
Monday, October 22, 2007
so i got a slap in the face.. so to say
Ok this is my first time blogging. i don't type the best and my words are usually slang and a bunch of mumble jumble. Today i realized how i have shut God out of my life in a lot of ways. Ever heard people saying.. "Where is God now?" or "I've grown distant from the Lord". I once heard my preacher say (by the way.. my preacher is sooo awesome!) that God never moves away from us, we just keep stepping backwards from him to the point where we don't care if we miss church, don't miss reading our bibles, and our testimony is hurt because we are so worldly. I have MANY (and i do stress MANY) areas of my life where i have completely fell off the band wagon of what i know is right and my Christian attitude hasn't been the same. I am going to be more specific in my prayers in the areas that i need the help most with my walk with God to help me be the servant he wants me to be. I noticed that KJ-52 (who is a Christian rapper.. kinda) always throws in his song this verse, "No matter what you face in life, you can always find your strength in Christ". That is soo true! We all have problems and we pray that God will help us through them but yet we never fully hand them over to the Lord. How in the world can he help us when we dont even give it all to him? it is my sinners nature to hand it over to God then be like.. well, let me just take it back.. which is having no faith in God and feeling like i should step back in and take over and try one more time even though i failed like a million times before. I have realized that life is hard and in those times are when Christians grow closer to the lord. Its very hard when i cant see the light at the end of the tunnel, but that is part of trusting in God. OK OK OK.. i know that was a little much, but today, i am going to give it all to the Lord stop trying to do things myself. He loves me and he will NEVER fail me. please keep me in your prayers because i haven't been a very good servant and i need to stop being slack.
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