Our church has recently decided to go on a missions trip to Jamaica in February. The preacher called me the other night and wanted to personally ask me go and to be praying about it, he also told philip to be thinking and praying about it because he wants him to preach over there. My preacher has made his mind up that the Lord is gonna call him into the ministry because of his love and passion for extensive study of the word. Philip don't think he wants to go, but who knows, maybe he will change his mind. I on the other hand, probably will go . Mission trips are the most awesome trips ever! Most people know that on my trip to Costa Rica i actually lead my first person to christ all by myself.. well, with the help of a translator (he is the white man in the top photo..name:Fransico ). It is extremely hard to try to witness to someone that speaks a whole different language. I have always been the first one to make smart ellic comments about the population of Mexicans here that cant speak our language, but when i was there i had a total attitude change! i realized repeating myself 10 times and talking slow using emphasis on punctuation makes them understand me.. NONE! why do people do that? its the worst feeling knowing the whole world surrounds you, they dont have a clue what your saying, you have no clue what they are saying, and reading things are pointless. It is the most hopeless and helpless feeling on the whole earth. i was totally stressed oneday trying to witness (without a translator) by handing out tracks printed in spanish and people would stop me wanting to know more..but communications are at standstill. I just wanted to cry because it was so hard with the language barrier until i noticed this one old man. He walked around with his eyes open but he saw nothing, he had ears but they heard nothing: his arm & hand was extended out with his palm up and he used his other hand to guide him by his stick that replaced his eyes and ears. At that very moment i felt so guilty for feeling sorry for myself! i couldnt speak the language but i was still functional. This man wore a smile on his face and he walked around not even knowing the world around him! i wanted to witness to him but had no humanly way possible! i wanted to take hold of his fragile hand that was extended and just show him a simple expression of love. i couldn't even offer him a smile back that he offered everyone else. i pray blessings on his life to be in those conditions and still be thankful for life in general. well, sorry i got story book mode, just expressing how wonderful mission trips are and they will impact a person forever. i will pray to see if it is God's will for me to be on the team going to Jamaica.. keep me in your prayers also!
1 comment:
Hey Girl...
I'll be praying that you'll hear His voice CLEARLY in regards to the trip. What an awesome opportunity!
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